The accumulation of snow on glaciers is the main cause of their advancement. This process begins when snow falls and accumulates on the existing glacier. As new...
Mountains are often colder than plains due to the variation of temperatures with altitude. In general, the temperature decreases by about 0.6°C every 100 meters...
Dinosaurs, gigantic creatures that dominated the Earth for millions of years, underwent a massive extinction about 66 million years ago. This extinction, also known as...
The occurrence of lightning during a volcanic eruption is a fascinating phenomenon but still poorly understood by science. Volcanoes can produce lightning of different colors, ranging from...
The fluorescence of rocks under blacklight is often related to the chemical composition of the minerals they are made of. Some minerals, such as calcite, fluorite or...
Hot springs originate geologically in areas where magma beneath the Earth's crust heats groundwater. This phenomenon mainly occurs along the boundaries of tectonic plates and...
Chondritic metamorphism is one of the primary reasons why meteorites can be magnetic. Chondrites, a common type of meteorites, undergo a process called chondritic metamorphism. This process...
When the sand of a beach is exposed to the sun, it becomes very hot. This is largely due to its heat absorption capacity. Indeed, sand has...
In a cave, the climate plays a crucial role in the preservation of cave paintings. Caves offer a stable environment in terms of temperature and...
Black sand beaches owe their dark color to their volcanic origin. These beaches are formed when volcanoes, usually ones close to the coast, erupt and...