Explain why rainbows are always curved?

In short (click here for detailed version)

Rainbows are always rounded because they are formed by the refraction and reflection of sunlight through water droplets suspended in the air, creating a circle-shaped spectrum of colors.

Explain why rainbows are always curved?
In detail, for those interested!

First reason: Light refraction

When a rainbow forms, sunlight is refracted, meaning it changes direction when passing from one medium to another. When sunlight enters a water droplet, it slows down and changes direction depending on the angle of incidence. This phenomenon of light refraction is responsible for separating the different colors that make up the white light from the sun. The wavelengths of the different colors bend at slightly different angles during refraction, creating the characteristic band of colors of the rainbow.

Second reason: Light dispersion

The dispersion of light is another reason why rainbows appear rounded. When sunlight passes through a water droplet, it splits into different colors due to dispersion. This phenomenon is because the different wavelengths of light bend at slightly different angles as they pass through the water droplet. This creates a spectrum of colors ranging from red to violet, which is observed in the form of a rainbow.

Third reason: The observer's field of view

The observer's viewing angle influences the shape of the visible rainbow. To observe a perfectly circular rainbow, the observer must be positioned with the sun at their back, opposite the rainbow. This allows them to see the rainbow in all its splendor and perceive its rounded shape. When the observer moves in relation to the rainbow, its shape may appear altered or even fragmented. This is because the viewing angle changes, which affects the perception of the rainbow's natural curvature. Therefore, the angle at which the observer sees the rainbow plays a crucial role in its appearance.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Why are rainbows always round?

Rainbows are curved due to the way light reflects and refracts through water droplets in the atmosphere.


What is the difference between a primary rainbow and a secondary rainbow?

A primary rainbow is brighter and wider than a secondary rainbow. The colors are also arranged in a slightly different order.


Can we observe a rainbow at night?

Rainbows are usually visible during the day when the sun shines through raindrops. They cannot be seen at night because sunlight is needed to form a rainbow.


Why do rainbows appear after the rain?

Rainbows form when sunlight shines through raindrops suspended in the air. After the rain, there are still water droplets in the atmosphere, creating the perfect conditions for a rainbow.


Is it possible to see a full rainbow from an airplane?

Yes, it is possible to see a full rainbow from a plane, especially if the plane is flying over rain clouds and the sun is shining at that moment.

Natural Sciences : Meteorology

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