31 questions and answers in this section
Explain why it is recommended to keep a digital copy of your travel documents?

Explain why it is recommended to keep a digital copy of your travel documents?

Keeping a digital copy of travel documents is recommended for several reasons, especially regarding security. In case of loss or theft of the originals, having...

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Explain why it is preferable to convert some local currency before traveling to a foreign country?

Explain why it is preferable to convert some local currency before traveling to a foreign country?

When traveling to a foreign country, it is often advisable to convert a small amount of local currency before departure. One of the major reasons...

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Explain why greeting customs vary from one country to another.

Explain why greeting customs vary from one country to another.

The impact of culture on greetings is deeply rooted in societies around the world. Each culture has its own norms and traditions when it comes...

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Explain why airports have three-letter codes?

Explain why airports have three-letter codes?

The three-letter codes assigned to airports worldwide primarily serve the purpose of international standardization. This standardization was implemented to ensure smooth and efficient communication among...

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Explain why travelers often suffer from jet lag when traveling eastward.

Explain why travelers often suffer from jet lag when traveling eastward.

Jet lag, also known as time zone change syndrome, is an unpleasant biological phenomenon that occurs when a person travels quickly east or west across...

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Explain why drinking bottled water can be essential to avoid stomach issues while traveling.

Explain why drinking bottled water can be essential to avoid stomach issues while traveling.

The tap water supply networks can be subject to bacterial contamination, mainly due to the aging of the infrastructure or poor management of distribution networks. Studies have...

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Explain why it is preferable to plan for clothing that is suitable for local customs when traveling in a foreign country?

Explain why it is preferable to plan for clothing that is suitable for local customs when traveling in a foreign country?

Clothing customs vary greatly from one country to another. By adopting local clothing, we show our respect for the culture and traditions of the visited...

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Explain why it is wise to take out travel insurance to protect against unforeseen events during a stay abroad?

Explain why it is wise to take out travel insurance to protect against unforeseen events during a stay abroad?

Traveling abroad carries risks related to the possibility of illness or accidents. Indeed, travelers may be exposed to unfamiliar environments, different health conditions, and new...

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Explain why spices are so important in certain culinary traditions?

Explain why spices are so important in certain culinary traditions?

Spices have been used in cooking for millennia. They add flavor, aroma, and color to dishes. Spices were also used to preserve food before the...

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Explain why it is important to check visa requirements before traveling abroad?

Explain why it is important to check visa requirements before traveling abroad?

Travelers who do not comply with visa requirements may be denied entry into a foreign country. Border authorities have the right to refuse entry to...

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