81 questions and answers in this section
Explain why trials can sometimes last for several years before reaching a verdict?

Explain why trials can sometimes last for several years before reaching a verdict?

The proliferation of evidence and testimonies can be a major factor in prolonging legal proceedings. Indeed, when a case involves numerous material evidence, documents, testimonies, or expert...

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Explain why the French Revolution had a huge impact on Europe and the world.

Explain why the French Revolution had a huge impact on Europe and the world.

The spread of revolutionary ideas played a crucial role in the immense impact of the French Revolution on Europe and the world. The ideas of...

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Explain why greeting customs vary from one country to another.

Explain why greeting customs vary from one country to another.

The impact of culture on greetings is deeply rooted in societies around the world. Each culture has its own norms and traditions when it comes...

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Explain why people tend to imitate the actions of others in a group.

Explain why people tend to imitate the actions of others in a group.

Humans and many animals have a natural instinct that drives them to group together. This gregarious instinct, inherited from our primate ancestors, offers many advantages...

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Explain why humor is an essential element in creating social bonds.

Explain why humor is an essential element in creating social bonds.

Humor plays a crucial role in social communication by facilitating the establishment of positive relationships between individuals. It helps to break the ice and create...

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Explain why our phone chargers heat up while charging?

Explain why our phone chargers heat up while charging?

When we charge our phones, some of the electrical energy supplied by the charger is converted into heat. This energy loss is due to various...

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Explain why the Berlin Wall was built in 1961.

Explain why the Berlin Wall was built in 1961.

The tensions of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union played a prominent role in the construction of the Berlin Wall...

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Explain why some laws are still in force despite their apparent obsolescence?

Explain why some laws are still in force despite their apparent obsolescence?

Historical persistences in the legal field refer to the preservation of old laws or practices despite their apparent obsolescence. These laws may have been established...

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Explain why the rules of politeness vary according to cultures?

Explain why the rules of politeness vary according to cultures?

The influence of history and tradition on rules of politeness is profound. Social norms regarding politeness are often rooted in the history of a given...

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Explain why glass is translucent while metal is not.

Explain why glass is translucent while metal is not.

The main difference between glass and metal lies in their atomic structure. Glass is an amorphous solid composed of networks of disordered molecular bonds, giving...

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