Explain why our voices change when we swallow an ice cube?

In short (click here for detailed version)

When we swallow an ice cube, the cold temperature temporarily numbs the muscles in the throat, affecting the voice by making it higher or hoarser.

Explain why our voices change when we swallow an ice cube?
In detail, for those interested!

First factor: effect of cold on vocal cords

When we swallow an ice cube, the intense cold of the ice can have a direct impact on our vocal cords. In contact with the ice, the tissues of our vocal cords quickly cool down, which can lead to a temporary contraction of the surrounding muscles. This contraction can alter the frequency and tension of the vocal cords, which can temporarily change our voice and sometimes give it a higher or hoarser tone. This change is usually short-lived, as once the tissues warm up, the voice returns to its usual timbre. It is important to note that this phenomenon is temporary and generally does not cause any permanent damage to the vocal cords.

Second factor: contraction of the throat muscles.

Swallowing an ice cube can cause a contraction of the throat muscles. This phenomenon is partly due to our body's reaction to the sudden cold caused by the ice cube. When the throat muscles contract, it can affect the way air flows through the respiratory tract and vocal cords. This contraction can temporarily alter the coordination of muscle movements necessary for normal voice production. Throat muscles are essential for controlling the quality and power of our voice, and any disruption in their functioning can affect how we speak or sing.

Third factor: modification of mucous viscosity

The viscosity of the throat mucosa can also play a role in changing our voice when we swallow an ice cube. Indeed, the cold from the ice can cause vasoconstriction, which is a decrease in the diameter of blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in blood supply to the throat mucosa. This reduction in blood flow can lead to a decrease in mucus production, thus impacting the viscosity of the mucosa. A decrease in mucosal viscosity can influence how sound vibrations propagate in the throat, which can contribute to temporarily changing the quality of our voice when ingesting an ice cube.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Why does our voice become higher after swallowing an ice cube?

The action of cold causes constriction of the muscles in the throat, which can affect the tension of the vocal cords and modulate the frequency of vibration.


Could changing your voice by swallowing an ice cube be dangerous for your health?

In most cases, the temporary change in voice after swallowing an ice cube is not dangerous, but it is recommended not to overdo this practice to avoid any prolonged discomfort.


Can one really suffer vocal cord damage by frequently swallowing ice cubes?

Occasionally swallowing an ice cube should not cause permanent damage to the vocal cords, but frequent exposure to excessive cold can potentially lead to irritation.


How do voice professionals protect their vocal cords when they have to ingest something cold?

Some singers or speakers use specific techniques to preserve their voice, such as drinking room-temperature beverages or taking precautions before being exposed to the cold.


Are there natural ways to warm up the vocal cords after consuming something cold?

Drinking a non-irritating hot beverage, such as herbal tea, can help soothe the vocal cords after consuming something cold and promote a return to a normal voice.

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