239 questions and answers in this section

Animals and Nature » Biodiversity

Explain why the chirping of birds varies from one place to another in the world?

Explain why the chirping of birds varies from one place to another in the world?

Birds have developed a variety of adaptations to survive in very diverse environments. These adaptations include physiological changes to cope with extreme environmental conditions and...

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Explain why bees are crucial for plant pollination?

Explain why bees are crucial for plant pollination?

Pollination is a crucial process for flowering plants. It is the transfer of pollen from the male organs to the female organs of a plant, promoting fertilization...

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Explain why seahorses reproduce in such a unique way?

Explain why seahorses reproduce in such a unique way?

Seahorses are fish from the Syngnathidae family, characterized by their distinct curved shape and unique method of reproduction. Their anatomical structure presents several remarkable features. Firstly, seahorses...

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Explain why bees are essential for pollinating plants?

Explain why bees are essential for pollinating plants?

Plant pollination by bees is an essential process for the reproduction of many plant species. When bees gather nectar and pollen from flowers, they inadvertently...

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Explain why elephants have exceptional memory?

Explain why elephants have exceptional memory?

Elephants have one of the most developed brains in the animal kingdom. The cerebral cortex of elephants is particularly complex and has been found to...

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Explain why chameleons change color?

Explain why chameleons change color?

Chameleons are famous for their unique ability to change color, a fascinating characteristic that sets them apart from many other animals. This ability to change...

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Explain why birds sing in the morning?

Explain why birds sing in the morning?

Birds sing in the morning to communicate with their fellow creatures. Their song can convey information about their presence, identity, social status, and emotional state. Different types...

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Explain why migratory birds travel such long distances each year?

Explain why migratory birds travel such long distances each year?

Bird migration is a fascinating phenomenon that raises many questions. Why do birds undertake such long journeys every year? Several factors explain this migratory behavior. One of...

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Explain why some carnivorous plants feed on insects to survive.

Explain why some carnivorous plants feed on insects to survive.

Carnivorous plants have evolved to feed on insects primarily due to their ability to thrive in environments where soils are lacking in essential nutrients such...

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Explain why bees dance to communicate with their fellow bees.

Explain why bees dance to communicate with their fellow bees.

Bees dance to communicate because it is an effective way to transmit essential information to their fellow bees. This form of complex communication is primarily...

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