Explain why mint leaves a sensation of freshness in the mouth?

In short (click here for detailed version)

Mint contains molecules like menthol that stimulate the cold receptors in the mouth, sending a message of freshness to the brain.

Explain why mint leaves a sensation of freshness in the mouth?
In detail, for those interested!

First reason: the presence of menthol

Menthol is a natural substance extracted from various types of mint, such as peppermint and spearmint. This molecule has the particularity of triggering a sensation of freshness when it comes into contact with our sensory receptors. Menthol acts by activating the TRPM8 ion channel, located on the sensory cells of the mouth and respiratory tract. This activation causes a decrease in the temperature perceived by these cells, creating the characteristic sensation of freshness associated with mint.

Interaction with temperature receptors

Temperature receptors are sensitive structures found on the skin surface, as well as in the mouth and airways. When mint is consumed, the menthol it contains directly interacts with these receptors. In particular, menthol activates cold-sensitive receptors, called TRPM8 receptors, which are responsible for the sensation of coolness.

These receptors are involved in temperature perception and are able to detect cold stimuli. When menthol binds to these receptors, it triggers a nerve signal that is transmitted to the brain. This signal is interpreted as a sensation of cold, even if the actual temperature of the mouth has not changed.

This activation of temperature receptors by menthol is responsible for the refreshing sensation felt when consuming menthol products. This interaction between menthol and temperature receptors contributes to the soothing and refreshing effect of mint in the mouth.

Nervous response associated

When mint comes into contact with our taste buds, it activates the temperature receptors in our mouth. These receptors send electrical signals to sensory nerves, which then transmit this information to the brain. This triggers a nervous response that is interpreted as a sensation of freshness. This sensation of freshness is actually an illusion created by the reaction of sensory neurons to the presence of menthol in mint. The signals sent to the brain are processed as a drop in temperature, even if the actual temperature of the mouth has not changed. It is this interaction between mint, temperature receptors, and sensory neurons that creates the refreshing sensation that we associate with mint.

Did you know?

Good to know

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Why does mint give a sensation of freshness in the mouth?

Mint contains menthol, a molecule that activates cold receptors in the mouth, thereby inducing a sensation of freshness.


Are there any other plants than mint that produce a sensation of freshness in the mouth?

Yes, other plants such as eucalyptus or camphor also produce this sensation of freshness thanks to compounds similar to menthol.


Does mint have beneficial effects on oral health?

Yes, mint is known for its refreshing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects, which can contribute to good oral hygiene.


How does the refreshing sensation of mint affect our perception of food?

Mint can influence our perception of flavors by providing a sensation of freshness that can alter the perception of tastes and aromas.


What is the impact of the refreshing sensation of mint on our body?

The refreshing sensation of mint can have a cooling and invigorating effect, contributing to a feeling of well-being and dynamism.

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